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Baldwin family. in subject [X]
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Ohio -- History. in subject [X]
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1Title:  C.C. Baldwin Papers     
 Creator:  Baldwin, C. C. 
 Dates:  1848-1912 
 Abstract:  Charles Candee Baldwin (1834-1895) was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer, banker and circuit judge who served as President of the Western Reserve Historical Society (1886-1895). The collection consists of letters, charts, memoranda and other papers relating to the Baldwin, Candee and Kellogg families, records relating to Ashtabula County land transactions and Judge Baldwin's Cuyahoga County properties, speeches and writings on Ohio history, and notes on maps of North America and navigation on Lake Erie. 
 Call #:  MS 3367 
 Extent:  3.00 linear feet (8 containers) 
 Subjects:  Baldwin, C. C. (Charles Candee), 1834-1895. | Baldwin family. | Candee family. | Kellogg family. | Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County. | Real property -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County. | Real property -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | North America -- Maps. | Ohio -- History. | Erie, Lake -- Navigation.
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2Title:  Donald Fisher Lybarger Papers     
 Creator:  Lybarger, Donald Fisher 
 Dates:  1847-1970 
 Abstract:  Donald Fisher Lybarger (1896-1970) was a Cleveland, Ohio lawyer who became Cuyahoga County Recorder (1932-1949), a county judge (1949-1967) and Chief Justice of Cuyahoga County (1967-1969). He was also an amateur genealogist and stamp collector and was involved in many civic and social organizations. the collection consists of early family papers, family correspondence, scrapbooks of clippings, other family mementos, speeches of Jesse J. Lybarger, speeches and writings of Donald Lybarger, notes, publications, correspondence, clippings and other sources related to these writings, and correspondence, family histories, notes, family crests, lineage charts, record forms, maps, clippings, and other genealogical materials. 
 Call #:  MS 3322 
 Extent:  10.80 linear feet (9 containers and 10 bound volumes) 
 Subjects:  Lybarger, Donald Fisher, 1896-1970. | Lybarger family. | Baldwin family. | Belden family. | Crum family. | Dowler family. | Fisher family. | Grimwood family. | Hartshorne family. | Januszewski family. | Miller family. | Shuler family. | Postage stamps -- Collectors and collecting -- United States. | Ohio -- History.
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