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Hickman, John, -- 1810-1875 in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Hickman, John, -- 1810-1875[X]
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1Title:  Reply of Hon. Clement L. Vallandigham, of Ohio, to Mr. Hickman, of Pennsylvania: on democratic loyalty to the Union, in the House of Representatives, February 19, 1862    
 Creator:  Vallandigham, Clement L. (Clement Laird), 1820-1871 
 Publication:  Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, Washington,1862. 
 Notes:  Caption title: Democratic loyalty. "In the House of Representatives, on the 19th of February, 1862, Mr. [John] Hickman, having offered a resolution instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the truth of certain charges of disloyalty made in the local column, of a Baltimore newspaper, against C.L. Vallandigham." 
 Call #:  Pam. V129 
 Extent:  8 p. ; 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  Hickman, John, -- 1810-1875
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