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1Title:  Martin E. Gray Papers     
 Creator:  Gray, Martin E. 
 Dates:  1835-1900 
 Abstract:  Martin E. Gray was a farmer and Baptist church leader, of Willoughby, Ohio. He was active in the Baptist Church, serving as a deacon and member of the board of trustees of the Baptist Convention of the State of Ohio and of the missionary board of the Cleveland Baptist Association. The collection consists of correspondence, pocket diaries, account books, financial receipts, and land deeds and agreements. Includes correspondence with members and officers of the Ohio Baptist Education Society, American Baptist Publication Society, American Baptist Missionary Union, and Denison University, in connection with Gray's position on the board of trustees of the Baptist Convention of the State of Ohio and of the missionary board of the Cleveland Baptist Association. 
 Call #:  MS 3012 
 Extent:  5.20 linear feet (13 containers) 
 Subjects:  Gray, Martin E. | Denison University. | American Baptist Publication Society. | American Baptist Missionary Union. | Ohio Baptist Education Society. | Baptist associations -- Ohio. | Baptists -- Ohio -- Government.
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