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Van Fleet, Frederick McKay. in subject [X]
Van Fleet, Frederick A., 1874-1952. in subject [X]
United States -- Industries. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Frederick A. Van Fleet Papers     
 Creator:  Van Fleet, Frederick A. 
 Dates:  1916-1967 
 Abstract:  Frederick A. Van Fleet (1874-1952) was a business writer and editor for numerous magazines and newspapers in Michigan and Ohio from 1890 until 1928. In 1928 he became public relations counsel for the Peerless Motor Car Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Van Fleet was also active in the Society of Mayflower Descendants. The collection consists of magazine and newspaper articles written by Van Fleet relating to business and industry in the U.S., correspondence, copies of other magazine articles, newspaper clippings, a guest list from the Society of Mayflower Descendants, membership certificates, and a biography of Van Fleet's son, Frederick McKay Van Fleet. The collection is useful for those interested in Van Fleet and his conservative economic philosophy regarding U.S. industry. Included is Van Fleet's article proposing an industrial museum for Cleveland, Ohio, honoring Cleveland's role as the heart of mass production in America. 
 Call #:  MS 4180 
 Extent:  0.11 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Van Fleet, Frederick A., 1874-1952. | Van Fleet, Frederick McKay. | Business enterprises -- United States. | Industrial museums -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Industry and state -- United States. | United States -- Industries. | United States -- Economic conditions -- 1918-1945. | United States -- Economic policy -- 1933-1945.
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