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Labor and laboring classes -- United States in subject [X]
Labor and laboring classes -- Great Britain in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Cost and standard of living -- United States (1)
Labor and laboring classes -- Great Britain[X]
Labor and laboring classes -- United States[X]
Wages -- United States (1)
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1Title:  Cost of living in American towns: Report of an enquiry by the Board of Trade into working class rents, housing and retail prices, together with the rates of wages in certain occupatons in the principal industrial towns of the United States of America. With an introductory memorandum and a comparison of conditions in the United States and the United Kingdom    
 Creator:  Great Britain Board of Trade 
 Smith, Hubert LlewellynSir, 1864-
 Askwith, George Ranken AskwithBaron, 1861-
 Publication:  Pub. by H.M. Stationery off., printed by Darling and son, limited, London,1911. 
 Notes:  H. Llewellyn Smith, secretary. Pref. note signed: G. R. Askwith. 
 Call #:  HD6983 G786 
 Extent:  xcii, 533 p. incl. froms. map. 34 cm. 
 Subjects:  Cost and standard of living -- United States | Wages -- United States | Labor and laboring classes -- United States | Labor and laboring classes -- Great Britain
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