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Irish Americans -- Political activity in subject [X]
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Clan-na-Gael in subject [X]
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1Title:  John M. Gallagher Papers     
 Creator:  John M. Gallagher 
 Dates:  1902-1944 
 Abstract:  John M. Gallagher was an immigrant from Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland, in the late nineteenth century who resided for a period in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a political activist and a fervent believer in Irish freedom from Britain, and served in the Irish Volunteers, Clann na nGael, and the Irish Republican Brotherhood. He was a recruiting commander of the Irish American Republican Volunteers and provided funds for a memorial for Lt. Michael Moran, from Achill Island. In 1906 he was named sergeant major of the Hibernian Rifles of Ohio. The collection consists of account books, cards, certificates, constitutions, correspondence, estimates, an image, letterhead, minutes, newspaper clippings, program, notes, a notice, a postcard, a program, receipts, a report, a requisition form and ribbons. 
 Call #:  MS 4902 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Gallagher, John M., 1883-1944 | Moran, Michael | Clan-na-Gael | Irish American Republican Volunteers | Irish Republican Brotherhood | Irish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Irish Americans -- Societies, etc | Irish Americans -- Political activity | Political activists -- United States | Immigrants -- Ohio -- Cleveland
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