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Lesbians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Gay Educational Awareness Resources Foundation. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland Records     
 Creator:  Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland 
 Dates:  1974-1991 
 Abstract:  The Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland (LGCSC) was opened in 1977 by the Gay Educational and Awareness Resource Foundation (Gear Foundation). The Gear Foundation was created to serve the Lesbian and Gay community of Cleveland, Ohio, through social, political, and cultural events, counseling and support groups, and to empower and raise the community's level of visibility. The Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center was opened to serve as a base of operations for the Gear Foundation's activities. The first Center was located on the city's east side, and over the years relocated several times. In 1988, The Gear Foundation officially changed its name to The Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland. The Center has continued many of the Gear Foundation's activities while initiating many others, such as the Living Room Project to help support and nurture persons with AIDS. A Gay Youth Group has also been maintained by the Center, along with a Speakers Bureau and various entertainment and social events, including the yearly Lesbian-Gay Pride Day and march. In 2000, the Center was located at 1418 West 29th Street. The collection consists of board minutes, financial records, correspondence, memoranda, grants and funding files, Hotline records, annual reports, newsletters and other materials pertaining to events and issues with the Lesbian-Gay community of northeast Ohio. 
 Call #:  MS 4610 
 Extent:  2.20 linear feet (5 containers) 
 Subjects:  Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland (Ohio). | Gay Educational Awareness Resources Foundation. | Gays -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Lesbians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Gay activists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Gay press publications -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Gay liberation movement -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Gay rights -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Gay communities -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Gays -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Social life and customs.
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