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Shaker Heights (Ohio) -- History in subject [X]
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Manuscript Collection[X]
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1Title:  Nature Center at Shaker Lakes Collection of Papers, Photographs and Audiovisual Materials     
 Creator:  Nature Center at Shaker Lakes 
 Dates:  1880-2015 
 Abstract:  The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, established in 1966 on part of the site of the original North Union Shaker Community, was the result of a grassroots effort to prevent the construction of two interstate highways which would have bisected major sections of Shaker Heights and Cleveland Heights and caused property loss and damage to the Doan Brook watershed. The collection consists of administrative documents, architectural drawings, audiovisual materials, clippings, correspondence, financial documents, flyers, legal documents, maps, minutes, negatives, photographs, publications, reports, scrapbooks, signs, and studies. 
 Call #:  MS 5367 
 Extent:  29.88 linear feet (39 containers) 
 Subjects:  Nature Center at Shaker Lakes -- History. | Shaker Lakes Region (Ohio) | Highway Planning -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Citizen Participation. | Doan Brook (Ohio) | Shaker Heights (Ohio) -- History | Shaker Lakes Region (Ohio) -- Environmental Aspects. | Parks -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Nature centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
2Title:  Molly Doan Bellamy Scrapbooks     
 Creator:  Bellamy, Molly Doan 
 Dates:  1929-1942 
 Abstract:  Molly Doan Bellamy (1918-1995) was the society editor of the Cleveland News in the 1950s and the Cleveland Plain Dealer from 1960-1984. In 1974, she began a travel column and became assistant editor of the Friday Magazine of the Plain Dealer. The collection consists of advertisements, autographs buttons, certificates, cigarette cases, coasters, correspondences, dried flowers, invitations, maps, match boxes, menus, napkins, newspaper clippings, party favors, pendants, photographs, place cards, programs, report cards, ribbons, score cards. telegraphs, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia. 
 Call #:  MS 5242 
 Extent:  2.00 linear feet (7 volumes) 
 Subjects:  Bellamy family | Bellamy, Molly Doan, 1918-1995 | Doan family | Girls -- Education -- Ohio -- Shaker Heights | Golf -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Hathaway Brown School | Ohio -- Description and travel -- 20th century | Shaker Heights (Ohio) -- History | Stark family | University School (Cleveland, Ohio) | Weddings -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Western Reserve Academy (Hudson, Ohio) | Genealogy / Women's History
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