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Connecticut Land Company. in subject [X]
Real property -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. in subject [X]
Odell Abstract Company. in subject [X]
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Abstracts of title -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. (1)
Connecticut Land Company.[X]
Cozad Abstract Company. (1)
Deeds -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. (1)
Land titles -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. (1)
Odell Abstract Company.[X]
Real property -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County.[X]
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1Title:  Odell and Cozad Abstracting Companies Search Books     
 Creator:  Odell and Cozad Abstracting Companies 
 Dates:  1870-1900 
 Abstract:  The Odell and Cozad Abstracting Companies were two land title search companies owned, respectively, by Jay Odell and Justus L. Cozad, and which operated in Cleveland, Ohio, in the late nineteenth century. Merged for the period 1870-1875, these companies were usually competitors in the business of supplying summaries, or abstracts, of the public records pertaining to land titles in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The collection consists of 269 bound volumes pertaining to the process of abstracting land titles in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. They consist specifically of 163 volumes of Odell search books and 98 volumes of Cozad search books; two indexes; four subdivision books, in which the conveyances of numbered lots in recorded subdivisions are listed; an Odell copy book, which includes a collection of formal abstracts written for clients; and a Cozad foundation book, in which are copied the founding documents of the Connecticut Land Company. 
 Call #:  MS 4598 
 Extent:  50.00 linear feet (269 oversize volumes) 
 Subjects:  Odell Abstract Company. | Cozad Abstract Company. | Connecticut Land Company. | Land titles -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Abstracts of title -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Deeds -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Real property -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County.
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