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United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 41st (1861-1865) in subject [X]
Atlanta Campaign, 1864. in subject [X]
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Atlanta Campaign, 1864.[X]
McMahon, James, b. 1835 or 6. (1)
Soldiers -- Ohio -- Correspondence. (1)
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. (1)
United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 41st (1861-1865)[X]
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1Title:  James McMahon Papers     
 Creator:  McMahon, James 
 Dates:  1863-1888 
 Abstract:  James McMahon (born 1835 or 1836) was an officer in the 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, during the American Civil War. The collection consists of letters, commissions, and a pocket diary for 1864 kept by McMahon, recording his activities and accounts of battles, including the Siege of Atlanta, in which he participated from April to September, 1864. 
 Call #:  MS 2531 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  McMahon, James, b. 1835 or 6. | United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 41st (1861-1865) | Soldiers -- Ohio -- Correspondence. | Atlanta Campaign, 1864. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives.
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