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Ohio -- Militia. in subject [X]
Ohio Militia. Division, 4th. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Ohio Militia, 4th Division Records     
 Creator:  Ohio Militia, 4th Division 
 Dates:  1807-1830 
 Abstract:  The Ohio Militia was established by the Ohio Constitution in 1803. Based on precedents established by the Northwest Territory, male citizens between the ages of 16 and 45 in Ohio were required to perform military duty. The Ohio Militia was divided into four divisions initially, with a fifth established in 1813. Elijah Wadsworth of Canfield, Ohio, commanded the 4th Division. Each division was further divided into four or five brigades, which were then divided into regiments and companies. The collection consists of orders, class rolls, record of appointments, and court-of-inquiry reports of the 4th Division of the Ohio Militia. 
 Call #:  MS 0428 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 volume) 
 Subjects:  Ohio Militia. Division, 4th. | Courts-martial and courts of inquiry -- Ohio. | United States -- Armed Forces -- Ohio -- Records and correspondence. | Ohio -- Militia. | United States -- History -- War of 1812 -- Sources.
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