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New York (N.Y.) -- Newspapers in subject [X]
German American newspapers -- New York (State) in subject [X]
Germans -- New York (State) in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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German American newspapers -- New York (State)[X]
Germans -- New York (State)[X]
Labor -- New York (State) -- Newspapers (1)
New York (N.Y.) -- Newspapers[X]
Political Parties -- Newspapers (1)
Periodicals and NewspapersSave
1Title:  New Yorker Volkszeitung    
 Uniform Title:  Vorwèarts | Sonntagsblatt der N. Y. Volkszeitung | Neue Volks-Zeitung    
 Creator:  Socialist Labor Party 
 Publication:  New Yorker Volkszeitung Publishing Association, New York, 
 Notes:  Description based on: unknown and v. 1, no. 2 (Jan. 28, 1878). "Organ of Socialistische Arbeiter-Partei von Nord-Amerika." Succeeding entry based on Arndt and Olson, Ger.-Amer. newsp. and period., 1961. Weekly ed. called Vorwèarts. 
 Call #:  09 N2.2 028 
 Extent:  v. ; 59 cm. 
 Subjects:  Political Parties -- Newspapers | Labor -- New York (State) -- Newspapers | German American newspapers -- New York (State) | Germans -- New York (State) | New York (N.Y.) -- Newspapers
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