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George, Zelma Watson in subject [X]
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African Americans -- Education (Higher) -- United States. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Dr. Zelma Watson George Papers and Photographs     
 Creator:  George, Dr. Zelma Watson 
 Dates:  1881-1994 
 Abstract:  Dr. Zelma Watson George (1903-1994) was born in Texas in 1903. As an African American woman coming of age in the early twentieth century, she and her family endured discrimination in many situations. She graduated from high school in Topeka, Kansas, went on to college at the University of Chicago, and eventually earned her Ph.D. from New York University. She moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in the 1940s and became renown for her musical talents and research, diplomatic career, her contributions to the civil rights movement locally, and her career as an administrator and educator/lecturer. The collection consists of agendas, awards, brochures, budgets, by-laws, calendars, cassette tapes, certificates, charters, contracts, correspondence, diaries, a dissertation, financial documents, flyers, forms, guest books, invitations, journal articles, lectures, magazine articles, memoranda, minutes, music scores, negatives (approximately 20), newsletters, newspaper articles and clippings, note cards, notes, passports, photographs (approximately 1300), play scripts, policies, press releases, programs, publications, record albums (LPs), reel-to-reel tapes, reports, resolutions, resumes, rosters, scrapbooks, slides (approximately 620), speeches, VHS tapes, and wills. 
 Call #:  MS 5415 
 Extent:  55.4 linear feet (70 containers and 7 volumes) 
 Subjects:  George, Zelma Watson | African American women -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Civil rights -- United States. | Social service -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- Education (Higher) -- United States. | African American women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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