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United States. Navy -- Biography. in subject [X]
Drake, Franklin Jeremiah, 1846-1929. in subject [X]
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Drake, Franklin Jeremiah, 1846-1929.[X]
Ocean travel (1)
United States. Navy -- Biography.[X]
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1Title:  Franklin Jeremiah Drake Papers     
 Creator:  Drake, Franklin Jeremiah 
 Dates:  1890-1929 
 Abstract:  Franklin Jeremiah Drake (1846-1929) was a United States naval officer who served fifty-two years in the U.S. Navy, retiring as a rear admiral. He engineered the first survey of the Isthmus of Panama for the Panama Canal in 1896 and assisted in charting the Bering Sea after the U.S. acquired Alaska from Russia. At one time he served on the U.S.S. Constitution, "Old Ironsides". The collection consists of biographical sketch, correspondence, certificates of membership in various organizations, a speech given at a G.A.R meeting, notes from a cruise of the Pacific Ocean, including a journal kept by Mrs. Drake, some military papers, newspaper clippings, and some diplomas of Nellie Pierson, whose connection to Drake has not been established. 
 Call #:  MS 4397 
 Extent:  0.21 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Drake, Franklin Jeremiah, 1846-1929. | United States. Navy -- Biography. | Ocean travel
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