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Tappan, Electra. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Joel Blakeslee Papers     
 Creator:  Blakeslee, Joel 
 Dates:  1815-1895 
 Abstract:  Joel Blakeslee (1787-1863) was a historian, of Colebrook and New Lyme, Ohio. He was connected with the Ashtabula Historical Society in the 1850s and collected information and spoke on topics of local importance. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, and other papers. Includes material relating to the history of Ashtabula County, Ohio, United States Independence, slavery, and history of Madison, Lake County, Ohio, with references to Cyrus Cunningham, Abraham and Electra Tappan, Asa Turney, and other early settlers; and correspondence, account book (1820-1827), bail bonds, Jefferson Township tax records, case depositions, and other papers (1826-1860) of Samuel Hendry, clerk of the Ashtabula Court of Common Pleas. Correspondents include Quintus F. Atkins, Joseph Badger, Joshua R. Giddings, Rice Harper, P.R. Spencer, David Tod, and Benjamin F. Wade. 
 Call #:  MS 3173 
 Extent:  0.60 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Blakeslee, Joel, 1787-1863. | Cunningham, Cyrus. | Tappan, Abraham, 1779-1855. | Tappan, Electra. | Turney, Asa. | Frontier and pioneer life -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County. | Slavery -- United States. | Madison (Lake County, Ohio) -- History. | Ashtabula County (Ohio) -- History.
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