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Lyman family. in subject [X]
Parkman family. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Darius Lyman Family Papers     
 Creator:  Lyman, Darius Family 
 Dates:  1805-1922 
 Abstract:  Darius Lyman (1789-1867) was a lawyer who came to Ravenna, Ohio, from Connecticut in 1814. He became a state senator and a Portage County judge. His son, Darius Jr., was Chief of the Navigation Division of the United States Treasury Department. His grandson, Henry D. Lyman, was Second Assistant Postmaster General of the United States. John P. Converse was the father-in-law of Darius Lyman, Jr. He came to Parkman, Ohio from Vermont in 1816 and operated several mills with his wife's brother, Robert B. Parkman. Parkman came to Ohio from New York in 1801. He settled Parkman, Ohio and served as its postmaster. He was also a Geauga County Prosecutor (1806-1817) and Probate Judge (1819). The collection consists of correspondence, letter copies, legal documents, estate documents, indentures, land surveys, accounts, receipts, promissory notes, literary works, and personal journals of Robert B. Parkman, John P. Converse, Darius Lyman, Darius Lyman Jr., and Henry Lyman. 
 Call #:  MS 3364 
 Extent:  5.40 linear feet (14 containers) 
 Subjects:  Lyman family. | Converse family. | Parkman family. | Lyman, Darius, 1789-1867. | Western Reserve College (1826-1882) | Clinton Line Railroad. | Judges -- Ohio -- Miscellanea. | Mills and mill work -- Ohio -- Parkman. | Postal service -- United States. | Temperance. | Portage County (Ohio) -- Surveys. | Ohio -- Politics and government.
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