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Jews -- Persecutions -- Lithuania. in subject [X]
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Adelman family. (1)
Adelman, David Peretz, 1855-1925. (1)
Jews -- Lithuania. (1)
Jews -- Persecutions -- Lithuania.[X]
Jews, Lithuanian. (1)
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  David Peretz Adelman Papers     
 Creator:  Adelman, David peretz 
 Dates:  1910-1973 
 Abstract:  David Peretz Adelman lived in the Jewish community in Gelvan, Lithuania. He and his wife, Feigeh, owned a store until World War I, when their house and store were destroyed. In 1925, Adelman and his second wife were brutally murdered. Adelman wrote to his children in America, and his letters were discovered in 1973 upon the death of his son, Morris Adelman, of Cleveland, Ohio. At that time they were translated into English by Geraldine F. Powers. The collection consists of the original correspondence in Yiddish and Hebrew, a single letter to Morris Adelman from Mayer Shochet describing Adelmlan's death, their English translations, including an account of Jewish life in Lithuania by the translator, and a 1925 newspaper clipping from the Jewish Forward. 
 Call #:  MS 4828 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Adelman, David Peretz, 1855-1925. | Adelman family. | Jews -- Lithuania. | Jews -- Persecutions -- Lithuania. | Jews, Lithuanian.
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