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Dettelbach, Hattie Hyman, 1878-1957. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Hattie Hyman Dettelbach Papers     
 Creator:  Dettelbach, Hattie Hyman 
 Dates:  1921-1957 
 Abstract:  Hattie Hyman Dettelbach (1878-1957) was a Cleveland, Ohio, resident active as a volunteer in many Jewish community organizations, including Mt. Sinai Hospital, the Jewish Children's Bureau, Euclid Avenue Temple Sisterhood, and the Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations. She organized sabbath services for patients at Sunny Acres Sanitarium for tuberculosis patients, coordinating this program from the 1920s into the 1950s. The collection consists of correspondence, sisterhood uniongrams, reports, speeches, clippings, memorabilia and certificates. The uniongrams date to Feb. 14, 1950, when Hattie Dettelback was honored by the Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations. Most of the correspondence consists of letters of congratulations or appreciation for various services and contributions. 
 Call #:  MS 4033 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Dettelbach, Hattie Hyman, 1878-1957. | Jewish women -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Women volunteers in social service -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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