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Association for the Reform of Ohio Abortion Laws. in subject [X]
Abortion -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. in subject [X]
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Abortion -- Law and legislation -- Ohio.[X]
Association for the Reform of Ohio Abortion Laws.[X]
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1Title:  Association for the Reform of Ohio Abortion Laws Records     
 Creator:  Association for the Reform of Ohio Abortion Laws 
 Dates:  1965-1977 
 Abstract:  The Association for the Reform of Ohio Abortion Laws (f. ca. 1967) was organized to lobby for a change in Ohio's abortion law which allowed abortions when the mother's life was in danger. Located in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and chaired by Richard A. Schwartz, M.D., it distributed pro-abortion literature to the public and encouraged state legislators to vote for changes in the law. In 1988, the organization was still in existence and was known as the Ohio Abortion Rights League. The collection consists of a constitution, minutes, a list of the board of directors, treasurer's reports, position statements and papers, policy information, correspondence, newsletters, news clippings, and records of various organizations and individuals. 
 Call #:  MS 4214 
 Extent:  1.40 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Association for the Reform of Ohio Abortion Laws. | Abortion -- Law and legislation -- Ohio.
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