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Society for Savings. in subject [X]
Savings banks -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Society National Bank. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Society Corporation Records, Series II     
 Creator:  Society Corporation 
 Dates:  1860-1989 
 Abstract:  Society Corporation was Ohio's first registered bank holding company, formed in 1958 when the Society for Savings (founded in 1849 as a mutual savings bank) was merged into Society National Bank (a stock bank organized in 1956 to provide commercial banking services as a subsidiary of Society for Savings). Myron T. Herrick was president of Society for Savings from 1894-1905 and 1908-1921. A pioneer in issuing term and capital loans during the Depression, Society was also a leader in marketing and promotional methods for attracting new depositors. The unprecedented unification of Society for Savings and Society National Bank in 1958 was orchestrated by president Mervin B. France. Litigation regarding the merger was not settled until 1962. By 1989, Society Corporation had affiliates in four regions of Ohio and controlled assets of over $9 billion. Its most formidable acquisition was that of Centran Corporation in 1985, itself a regional multi-bank holding company. In 1990, Society Corporation acquired Trustcorp, the parent holding company of Toledo Trustcorp, Inc. The collection consists of articles of incorporation, bylaws, codes of regulations, minutes, legal and financial documents, correspondence, histories, annual reports, newspapers, notes, and transcriptions of audiotapes. The majority of the material consists of bound volumes of minutes of board of directors, stockholders, and other committees of Society Corporation's affiliated, acquired, and merged banking institutions. Included are the records of Centran Corporation, which include its predecessor Central National Bank, and banks and other institutions which merged with them or were aquired. Also included is Toledo Trustcorp, Inc. (formerly Northwest Ohio Bancshares Inc), which contains records of Toledo Trustcorp, its affliliate Toledo Trust Company, and banks and other institutions which merged with or were acquired by Toledo Trustcorp. 
 Call #:  MS 4689 
 Extent:  22.80 linear feet (25 containers) 
 Subjects:  Society Corporation (Cleveland, Ohio). | Centran Corporation. | Central National Bank (Cleveland, Ohio). | Society National Bank. | Society for Savings. | Bank management -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank holding companies -- Ohio. | Bank mergers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Banks and banking -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank mergers -- Ohio -- Toledo. | Banks and banking -- Ohio. | Banks and banking -- Ohio -- Toledo. | Bank mergers -- Ohio. | Savings banks -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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