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Industrial Rayon Corporation. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Textile Workers Union of America, Local 482 Records     
 Creator:  Textile Workers Union of America, Local 482 
 Dates:  1942-1978 
 Abstract:  Local 482 of the Textile Workers Union of America was chartered in 1942 by the Textile Workers Union of America as the bargaining agent of the workers at the Painesville, Ohio, plant of the Industrial Rayon Corp. The national union was established in 1939 to improve wages, working conditions and security of textile workers. The local's history is one of constant contract negotiations and frequent walkouts. Major strikes occurred in 1953, 1955 and 1957, over wage issues. The collection consists of constitutions, by-laws, agreements, executive board and membership minutes, records of contract negotiations, grievance reports and hearings, arbitration proceedings and decisions, correspondence, committee reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous pamphlets. 
 Call #:  MS 3757 
 Extent:  4.00 linear feet (4 containers) 
 Subjects:  Industrial Rayon Corporation. | Textile industry -- Ohio -- Painesville. | Textile workers -- Ohio -- Painesville. | Textile workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Painesville. | Strikes and lockouts -- Textile industry -- Ohio -- Painesville. | Collective bargaining -- Textile industry -- Ohio -- Painesville. | Collective labor agreements -- Textile industry -- Ohio -- Painesville. | Grievance arbitration -- Ohio -- Painesville. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Painesville.
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