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Weidenthal, Leo. in subject [X]
Wiesenfeld, Leon, 1885-1971. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Cleveland Jewish History Sources, Series II     
 Creator:  Herman, Shoshana 
 Dates:  1953-1958 
 Abstract:  Cleveland Jewish History Sources, Series II includes materials related to the support of a planned volume on the history of Cleveland, Ohio, Jewry. The research for that volume was conducted between 1954 and 1956 and was supported by the American Jewish History Center (AJHC) of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. The planned volume materialized in 1978 with the publication of Lloyd P. Gartner's History of the Jews of Cleveland (Cleveland: Western Reserve Historical Society and Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland, 1978, 1987). MS. 4621, Cleveland Jewish History Sources consists of over 16,000 index cards containing information about Cleveland's Jewish community obtained primarily from newspapers. These cards have been arranged into fourteen broad categories: Arts; Charities; Clubs and Societies, Various; Community Services; Economic Life; Education; Political Affairs; Population; Sermons and Lectures; Social Life; Synagogues; Synagogue Related; Umbrella Organizations, and Zionism. Sources for this information, which cover the span from the early nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth, were researched by one team at the AJHC in New York City and another in Cleveland. AJHC researchers culled Cleveland related information from the national Anglo Jewish press; Cleveland researchers Jack Herman (Rabbi, Community Temple) and Judah Rubinstein (subsequently, Research Director, Cleveland Jewish Federation), extracted information from local sources, including the general press, the Anglo Jewish press and Jewish communal records. While MS 4621, Cleveland Jewish History Sources functions as a partial index to the local Jewish press, MS 5111, Cleveland Jewish History Sources Collection, Series II includes background materials for the planned publication project such as correspondence and interviews. In addition, the unpublished papers on aspects of Cleveland Jewish history offer the researcher different perspectives and ideas for other sources. 
 Call #:  MS 5111 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Fischer, Mabel. | Benesch, Alfred A. (Alfred Abraham) 1879-1973. | Weidenthal, Leo. | Wiesenfeld, Leon, 1885-1971. | Jewish Theological Seminary of America. American Jewish History Center. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History. | Jews -- Education -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Journalism -- Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Genealogy. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History -- Sources.
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