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Student newspapers and periodicals -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
West High School (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Cleveland Public Schools (1)
High schools -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Newspapers. (1)
Lincoln-West High School (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Student newspapers and periodicals -- Ohio -- Cleveland.[X]
West High School (Cleveland, Ohio)[X]
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1Title:  West High School Newspaper Records     
 Creator:  West High School 
 Dates:  1946-1979 
 Abstract:  West High School was the second public high school to be located in Cleveland, Ohio. It originated as a branch of Central High School in the 3rd floor of a grammar school on West 45th Street in 1852. It moved to locations on Clinton Avenue and Bridge Avenue before settling permanently in 1902 in a new building at Franklin and West 69th, where it became a 6-year combined junior and senior high. After its amalgamation in the new Lincoln-West High in 1970, West High's building was razed after serving for a short time as West Jr. High and replaced by the Joseph Gallagher Intermediate School. The collection consists of awards given to the newspaper and a Popeye Cartoon. 
 Call #:  MS 5244 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Cleveland Public Schools | High schools -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Newspapers. | Lincoln-West High School (Cleveland, Ohio) | Student newspapers and periodicals -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | West High School (Cleveland, Ohio)
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