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Painting -- Exhibitions in subject [X]
Cleveland imprints 1940 in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Cleveland imprints 1940[X]
Painting -- Exhibitions[X]
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1Title:  Masterpieces of art from the New York and San Francisco world's fairs: the Cleveland Museum of Art, February 7 through March 7, 1940    
 Creator:  Cleveland Museum of Art 
 Milliken, William Mathewson, 1889-
 Publication:  Cleveland,1940?] 
 Notes:  "Foreword" signed: William M. Milliken. Catalog compiled largely from Catalogue of European paintings and sculpture from 1300-1800, masterpieces of art, New York world's fair, by W. R. Valentiner, and from Official catalog, masterworks of five centuries, Golden gate international exposition, by Walter Heil. 
 Call #:  Pam. C552 
 Extent:  29 p., 2 l. incl. front., 1 illus. XXIX pl. on 15 l. 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Painting -- Exhibitions | Cleveland imprints 1940
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