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Photograph Collection in format [X]
Pease Funeral Home (Westlake, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. in subject [X]
Pease family -- Photograph collections. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Clifford B. Pease Family Photographs     
 Creator:  Pease, Clifford B. Family 
 Dates:  1880-1980 
 Abstract:  Clifford B. Pease was a funeral home director and civic leader in Dover (later Westlake), Ohio. In 1929 he took over operation of the Pease Funeral Home in Dover founded by his father, James Pease. In addition to operating the funeral home, Pease was active in the business and civic affairs of Dover; serving as town clerk, as a member of various clubs and lodges, and as a leader in numerous state and national funeral industry organizations. He married Alice Minerva Osborn in 1909 and had two children, Marion Elizabeth Pease and Kenneth Osborn Pease. Marion Pease became a licensed funeral director, and along with her mother, continued to operate the funeral home business after the death of Clifford Pease in 1944. When the business was sold to Glen A. Jenkins in 1955, she continued on as a licensed funeral director with the newly-named Jenkins Funeral Home, into the 1980s. The collection consists of individual portraits of Osborn and Pease family members and associates and group portraits of Osborn, Pease, and Schlembach family members. Views include the Pease Funeral Home; funerals; 1910s-1920s Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Sacramento, California, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, and New Orleans, Louisiana, and 1940s Wardsboro, Vermont and Ontario, Canada. 
 Call #:  PG 505 
 Extent:  0.41 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Pease, Clifford B., 1879-1944 -- Photograph collections. | Pease, Marion Elizabeth, 1910-1991 -- Photograph collections. | Pease, Alice Osborn, 1888-1959 -- Photograph collections. | Pease family -- Photograph collections. | Osborn family -- Photograph collections. | Schlembach family -- Photograph collections. | Pease Funeral Home (Westlake, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Jenkins Funeral Home (Westlake, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Funeral homes -- Ohio -- Westlake -- Photographs. | Undertakers and undertaking -- Ohio -- Westlake -- Photographs. | Business enterprises -- Ohio -- Westlake -- Photographs. | Dover (Cuyahoga County, Ohio : Township) -- History -- Photographs. | Rockport (Ohio : Township) -- History -- Photographs. / Westlake (Ohio) -- History -- Photographs.
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