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Sovereignty in subject [X]
Inheritance and succession -- Great Britain in subject [X]
Great Britain. -- Parliament in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Feudal law -- Scotland (1)
Great Britain. -- Parliament[X]
Inheritance and succession -- Great Britain[X]
Titles of honor and nobility (1)
1Title:  Essays upon several subjects concerning British antiquities: viz. I. Introduction of the feudal law into Scotland. II. Constitution of Parliament. III. Honour. Dignity. IV. Succession or descent : with an appendix upon hereditary and indefeasible right    
 Creator:  Kames, Henry HomeLord, 1696-1782 
 Publication:  M. Cooper, London,1749. 
 Notes:  Introduction signed: Henry Home. "Composed anno MDCCXLV." 
 Call #:  JC176 K15E Vault 
 Extent:  217, [2] p. ; 21 cm. 
 Subjects:  Great Britain. -- Parliament | Feudal law -- Scotland | Titles of honor and nobility | Inheritance and succession -- Great Britain | Sovereignty
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