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Jews, Ethiopian. in subject [X]
Manuscript Collection in format [X]
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Manuscript Collection[X]
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1Title:  Bennett Yanowitz Papers and Photographs     
 Creator:  Yanowitz, Bennett 
 Dates:  1979-1999 
 Abstract:  Bennett Yanowitz (1923-2011), a native of the Glenville neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio, was an influential lawyer and leader in the national Jewish community, co-founding a law firm and leading several national Jewish organizations. Yanowitz was very involved in the cause of supporting Soviet and Ethiopian Jewry (also known as Falashas and Beta Israel). His papers document his work on behalf of the Jews of Ethiopia and the Soviet Union. The collection consists of background papers, correspondence, currency exchange receipts, flyers, guidelines, itineraries, lists, maps, newsletters, notes, pamphlets, photographs, press releases, proclamations, reports, resolutions, speeches, theses, tickets, and transcripts 
 Call #:  MS 5370 
 Extent:  0.60 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Jewish lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews, Soviet. | Jews, Ethiopian. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc.
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