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Byron, John, -- 1723-1786 (1)
Dolphin (Frigate)[X]
Voyages around the world[X]
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1Title:  A Voyage round the world, in His Majesty's ship the Dolphin, commanded by the Honourable Commodore Byron: in which is contained, a faithful account of several places, people, plants, animals, &c. seen on the voyage: and, among other particulars, a minute and exact description of the Streights of Magellan, and of the gigantic people called Patagonians : together with an accurate account of seven islands lately discovered in the South Seas    
 Creator:  Byron, John, 1723-1786 
 Clerke, Charles, 1741-1779
 Publication:  Printed for J. Newbery ... and F. Newbery, London,1767. 
 Notes:  First published 1767, reprinted within the same year. "... ascribed to midshipman Charles Clerke, who later sailed on all three of Captain Cook's voyages ... This account was published six years before the official edition of Hawkesworth ... John Byron as a young man had sailed aboard the 'Wager', attached to Lord Anson's fleet."--Hill I, p. 310. The "Dolphin" was the first vessel in the British navy to be sheathed with copper, and was specially equipped for this voyage. 
 Call #:  G420 B97 
 Extent:  [4], 186 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. (8vo in half-sheets) 
 Subjects:  Byron, John, -- 1723-1786 | Dolphin (Frigate) | Voyages around the world
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