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Slovenian American literature. in subject [X]
Cankarjev Glasnik. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Cankarjev Glasnik Records     
 Creator:  Cankarjev Glasnik 
 Dates:  1917-1946 
 Abstract:  Cankarjev Glasnik was a Slovene American literary gazette published monthly in Cleveland, Ohio, by the Cankarjeve Ustanove (Cankar Foundation), a cultural society named in honor of Slovenian author Ivan Cankar. It ceased publication in 1943. The collection consists of statements of ownership, and correspondence for the gazette, a ledger book, a membership book, and other papers relating to Cankarjeve Ustanove (the Cankar Foundation), and correspondence and personal papers of Ludvig Medvesek, who had a close association with the gazette. 
 Call #:  MS 4169 
 Extent:  1.01 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Cankarjev Glasnik. | Ethnic press -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Gazettes -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Slovenian American literature. | Slovenian-American periodicals. | Slovene Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Periodicals.
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