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Pennsylvania -- Church history -- Sources. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Free Will Baptists, Ohio and Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting Record Book     
 Creator:  Free Will Baptists, Ohio and Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting 
 Dates:  1880-1917 
 Abstract:  Yearly conference composed initially of the Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake, Crawford, Washington, and Erie quarterly meetings of Free Will Baptists, with delegates proportional to membership in the quarterly meetings. The conference met "to adjust such subjects as presented by the quarterly meetings, and to assist with difficulties and endeavor by all possible means to maintain Gospel order, discipline & holiness in its members." It was also responsible for reporting or sending delegates to the general conference of Free Will Baptists. The Free Will Baptist church had its beginnings in 1780 in New Durham, New Hampshire, where Benjamin Randall preached an Arminian form of Calvinism. The collection consists of minutes (1880-1917) of meetings of this yearly conference, beginning with the 47th session, with a copy of the bylaws and constitution as adopted in 1842. The minutes include reports from the various quarterly meetings, together with resolutions pertaining particularly to missionary work. Also included are lists of delegates and elected officers, and the 1908 proceedings discussing union with the Regular Baptists for cooperation in missionary and denominational work. 
 Call #:  MS 1253 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Free Will Baptists (1780?-1911). Ohio and Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting -- Archives. | Baptists -- Pennsylvania -- Congresses. | Baptists -- Ohio -- Congresses. | Ohio -- Church history -- Sources. | Pennsylvania -- Church history -- Sources.
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2Title:  Free Will Baptists, Ohio and Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting, Ministers Institute Minute Book     
 Creator:  Free Will Baptists, Ohio and Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting, Ministers Institute 
 Dates:  1900-1910 
 Abstract:  Conference of ministers of churches in the Ohio and Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Free (Free Will) Baptists. The Institute was made up of ordained and licensed ministers and it approved the ordination and certification of ministers for service in churches of the yearly meeting. It was concerned for the social, educational, doctrinal, and spiritual interests of its members. The collection consists of minutes of yearly meetings of the Ministers Institute held in connection with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Free Baptists. Meetings were held in various counties in Ohio and Pennsylvania at which sermons were preached and discussions concentrated on relations with other religious denominations and on the examination, certification, and licensing of ministers. 
 Call #:  MS 1351 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Free Will Baptists (1780?-1911). Ohio and Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting. Ministers Institute -- Archives. | Baptists -- Ohio -- Clergy -- Congresses. | Baptists -- Pennsylvania -- Clergy -- Congresses. | Ohio -- Church history -- Sources. | Pennsylvania -- Church history -- Sources.
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3Title:  Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Pittsburgh Presbytery Minute Books     
 Creator:  Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Pittsburgh Presbytery 
 Dates:  1894-1927 
 Abstract:  The Pittsburgh Presbytery was originally organized as part of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church and absorbed into the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. with the merger of the two groups in 1920. It served as the legislative and judicial body of the member churches, with meetings held each spring and fall in different locations in the district, which included northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania. The presbytery was dissolved in 1927. The collection consists of two minute books dated April 7-8, 1894 to October 11, 1913 and May 9-10, 1914 to December 5, 1927. 
 Call #:  MS 3994 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Pittsburgh Presbytery (Welsh) -- Archives. | Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church. Pittsburgh Presbytery -- Archives. | Welsh Americans -- Ohio. | Welsh Americans -- Pennsylvania. | Calvinistic Methodists -- Ohio. | Calvinistic Methodists -- Pennsylvania. | Ohio -- Church history -- Sources. | Pennsylvania -- Church history -- Sources.
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