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1Title:  Journal of voyages and travels by the Rev. Daniel Tyerman and George Bennet, esq: deputed from the London missionary society, to visit their various stations in the South sea islands, China, India, &c. between the years 1821 and 1829    
 Creator:  Tyerman, Daniel, 1773-1828 
 Bennet, George, fl. 1820-1840
 Montgomery, James, 1771-1854
 London Missionary Society
 Publication:  Crocker and Brewster, J. Leavitt, Boston, New York,1832. 
 Notes:  Preface signed: R.A. "The first part was written in conjunction with G. Bennet, but the latter part was entirely his own. It affords a graphic picture of the state of the London society missions at the period."--Dict. nat. biog. 
 Call #:  DU21 T979 
 Extent:  3 v. illus. 20 cm. 
 Subjects:  London Missionary Society | Voyages and travels | Missions | Missions -- India | Missions -- Oceania | India -- Description and travel | Oceania -- Description and travel
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