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Indians of North America -- Massachusetts in subject [X]
Wampanoag Indians -- Missions in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Indians of North America -- Massachusetts[X]
Massachuset Indians -- Missions (1)
Wampanoag Indians -- Missions[X]
1Title:  Strength out of weakness: or A glorious manifestation of the further progress of the gospel among the Indians in New England    
 Creator:  Eliot, John, 1604-1690 
 Wilson, John, 1588-1667
 Leverich, William, d. 1677
 Bessey, Anthony, 1609?-1657?
 Mayhew, Thomas, 1621-1657
 Endecott, John, 1588?-1665
 French, William, 1603?-1681
 Allen, Thomas, 1608-1673
 Publication:  Reprinted for Joseph Sabin, New York,1865. 
 Notes:  Half title: Further progress of the gospel among the Indians in New England. 1652. "Edition 250 copies, of which 50 are on large paper." Library's copy is No. 153. Title page in red and black. Publisher's device on title page. Reprint of: Strength out of weakness. Or A glorious manifestation of the further progresse of the gospel amongst the Indians in New-England. Held forth in sundry letters from divers ministers and others to the corporation established by Parliament for promoting the gospel among the heathen ... since the late treatise to that effect, formerly set forth by Mr. Henry Whitfeld, late Pastor of Gilford in New-England / Published by the aforesaid corporation. London : Printed by M. Simmons for J. Blague and S. Howes, 1652. Includes letters from John Eliot, John Wilson, William Leverich, Anthony Bessey, Thomas Mayhew, John Endecott, William French and Thomas Allen. The Epistle dedicatory is signed by William Steele. "To the reader" signed: William Gouge [and seventeen others]. 
 Call #:  E99 M4C 
 Extent:  4, [18], 59 p. ; 22 cm. 
 Subjects:  Massachuset Indians -- Missions | Wampanoag Indians -- Missions | Indians of North America -- Massachusetts
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