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Mississippi River Valley -- Antiquities in subject [X]
Ohio imprints 1848 in subject [X]
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Mississippi River Valley -- Antiquities[X]
Mounds -- Mississippi River Valley (1)
Ohio River Valley -- Antiquities (1)
Ohio imprints 1848[X]
1Title:  Ancient monuments of the Mississippi Valley    
 Creator:  Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888 
 David, Edwin Hamilton, 1811-1888
 Publication:  Bartlett & Welford, J. A. & U. P. James, New York, Cincinnati,1848. 
 Notes:  At head of title: From the Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. "The Smithsonian institution having printed an edition of the following memoir for distribution, permit the authors to strike off from the same type and plates, a small edition for their own benefit." 
 Call #:  E74 M678 S Oversize 
 Extent:  xxxix, 306 p. incl. 4 pl. illus., 48 pl. (incl. front., maps, plans) 32 x 25 cm. 
 Subjects:  Mounds -- Mississippi River Valley | Mississippi River Valley -- Antiquities | Ohio River Valley -- Antiquities | Ohio imprints 1848
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