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Harbors -- Ohio. in subject [X]
Postal service -- United States. in subject [X]
American Bible Society. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Elisha Whittlesey Papers     
 Creator:  Whittlesey, Elisha 
 Dates:  1769-1869 
 Abstract:  Elisha Whittlesey (1783-1863) was a lawyer, United States Representative from Ohio (1822-1838), and public official. The collection consists of correspondence, legal papers, receipts, account ledgers, memoranda, drafts of legislation, and land deeds. The Elisha Whittlesey Papers deal with his career as a member of the United States Congress for sixteen years, comptroller of the United States Treasury for eight years, and Auditor of the Post Office Department for two years. His voluminous correspondence involves a large number of men prominent in national, late, and local affairs, particularly the Whig Party, American Colonization Society, the American Bible Society, and the development of the canals, rivers, harbors, railroads, and banks of northern Ohio and the Western Reserve. His mass of legal papers deals with the practice of his law office in Canfield, Ohio, his large holdings of land in the Western Reserve, Firelands, and the Maumee Valley. His wife and family occupy another prominent place in his correspondence, and he also had an interest in agricultural problems and served in the War of 1812. 
 Call #:  MS 1200 
 Extent:  33.20 linear feet (83 containers) 
 Subjects:  Whittlesey, Elisha, 1783-1863. | American Bible Society. | American Colonization Society. | African Americans -- Colonization. | Banks and banking -- Ohio. | Canals -- Ohio. | Harbors -- Ohio. | Indians of North America -- Government relations. | Postal service -- United States. | Railroads -- United States. | Antislavery movements -- United States. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Ohio -- History -- 1787-1865 -- Sources. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1787-1865. | United States -- History -- 1783-1865 -- Sources. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1783-1865.
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