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Middle Atlantic States -- Description and travel in subject [X]
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New England -- Description and travel in subject [X]
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Middle Atlantic States -- Description and travel[X]
New England -- Description and travel[X]
Ohio River Valley -- Description and travel (1)
1Title:  Memorandums made in a tour to the eastern states in the year 1797    
 Creator:  Gilmor, Robert, 1774-1848 
 Publication:  The Trustees, Boston,1892. 
 Notes:  "Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, April, 1892. 200 copies." 
 Call #:  E173 B746 no.2 
 Extent:  23 p. 19 pl. 28 cm. 
 Subjects:  Middle Atlantic States -- Description and travel | New England -- Description and travel
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2Title:  A topographical description of such parts of North America as are contained in the (annexed) map of the middle British colonies & in North America    
 Creator:  Pownall, Thomas, 1722-1805 
 Evans, Lewis, 1700?-1756
 Gist, Christopher, d. 1759
 Publication:  J. Almon, London,1776. 
 Notes:  The map has title: A map of the middle British colonies in North America. First published by Mr. Lewis 1755; and since corrected and improved, as also extended, with the addition of New England, and bordering parts of Canada: from actual surveys...By T. Pownall... The original map was published at Philadelphia in 1755 in connection with a pamphlet by Evans having the following title: Geographical, historical, political, philosophical and mechanical essays. The first, containing An analysis of A general map of the middle British colonies in America...The "Topographical description", in addition to the map, includes numerous extracts from this essay of Evans. Appendix: 1. The account of Capt. Anthony Van Schaick of the ground between the entrance of lake Chaplain at Crown point, and the mouth of Otter creek.--II. Captain Anthony Van Schaik's journal, 1756.--III. Captain Hobb's account of the way from No. 4. in New Hampshire, to the mouth of Otter creek.--IV. Extracts from the journal of Captain Harry Gordon...who was sent from Fort Illinois, in 1766.--V. Extract from Mr. Lewis Evan's journal. 1743.--VI. A journal of Christopher Giat's journey, began from Col. Cresap's at the old town of Potomack river, Maryland, October 31, 1750, continued down the Ohio, within 15 miles of the falls thereof; and from thence to Roanoak river in North Carolina, where he arrived May 19, 1751; undertaken on account of the Ohio company... 
 Call #:  E163 P889 Vault Oversize 
 Extent:  vi, 46, 16 p. front. (fold. map) 42 cm. 
 Subjects:  New England -- Description and travel | Middle Atlantic States -- Description and travel | Ohio River Valley -- Description and travel
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