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German American authors. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Robert Elmer Ward Papers     
 Creator:  Ward, Robert Elmer 
 Dates:  1911-1983 
 Abstract:  Robert Elmer Ward was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer and college professor who was active in German-American and genealogical organizations. The collection consists of copies of works by German-American authors, biographical and bibliographic information on German-American authors, copies of studies of German influence on American culture, genealogical information, and correspondence. 
 Call #:  MS 4109 
 Extent:  6.01 linear feet (6 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Ward, Robert Elmer. | Seager family. | Sicker family. | German-American literature -- Bio-bibliography. | German American authors. | German Americans -- Genealogy.
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