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Stockwell family. in subject [X]
Stockwell, John N. Jr. in subject [X]
Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland.[X]
Stockwell family.[X]
Stockwell, Cornelia Ranney. (1)
Stockwell, John N. Jr.[X]
Suffragists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  John N. Stockwell, Jr. Family Papers     
 Creator:  Stockwell, John N. Jr. Family 
 Dates:  1902-1916 
 Abstract:  John N. Stockwell Jr. was a lawyer and politician in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a municipal lawyer with the city of Cleveland and served as city law director under Mayor Newton D. Baker. Stockwell was a graduate of Western Reserve College and Cornell University School of Law. He was elected to the Ohio State Legislature in 1906 and to the Ohio State Senate in 1911, and was instrumental in creating the state public utilites commission. Stockwell was also active in rewriting the Cleveland city charter. His wife, Cornelia Ranney Stockwell, and her three daughters; Alice, Katherine, and Jane, were involved in the local Cleveland suffrage movement. The collection consists of personal family and business correspondence, Ohio Supreme Court published briefs, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings. 
 Call #:  MS 4617 
 Extent:  0.80 linear feet (3 containers) 
 Subjects:  Stockwell, John N. Jr. | Stockwell, Cornelia Ranney. | Stockwell family. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Suffragists -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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