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French Church du Saint Esprit (New York, N.Y.) in subject [X]
Registres des sâepultures New York (âEtat) New York in subject [X]
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1Title:  Registers of the births, marriages, and deaths of the "Eglise franðcoise áa la Nouvelle York,": from 1688 to 1804    
 Creator:  French Church du Saint Esprit (New York, N.Y.) 
 Wittmeyer, Alfred Victor, 1847-1926
 Publication:  Genealogical Pub. Co, Baltimore,1968. 
 Notes:  Cover title: Registers of the French Church of New York. "Reprinted from Collections of the Huguenot Society of America, volume 1, New York, 1886." 
 Call #:  F9FA H897F874 1968 
 Extent:  324, xlii p. ; 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  French Church du Saint Esprit (New York, N.Y.) | French Church du Saint-Esprit, New York, New York | Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- New York | Huguenots -- New York (State) -- New York | Huguenots -- History -- Societies, etc | French Americans -- New York (State) -- New York | Registres des baptãemes New York (âEtat) New York | Registres des mariages New York (âEtat) New York | Registres des sâepultures New York (âEtat) New York | Huguenots New York (âEtat) | New York (N.Y.) -- Genealogy | New York (N.Y.) Gâenâealogies
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