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Pennybacker, Albert M., ca. 1930- in subject [X]
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Albert M. Pennybacker Papers     
 Creator:  Pennybacker, Albert M. 
 Dates:  1963-1974 
 Abstract:  Albert Pennybacker was a civil rights activist and pastor of Heights Christian Church in the Cleveland, Ohio, suburb of Shaker Heights. The collection consists of correspondence with civil rights workers and organizations, including the Cleveland Board of Education, the League of Women Voters of Shaker Heights, the Welfare Federation, and Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld. Also included are committee minutes and reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and news releases of groups including the Citizens' Commission of Shaker Heights, the Cleveland Interfaith Housing Corporation, the Emergency Clergy Committee on Civil Rights, Laymen for Civil Rights, and the Ludlow Community Association. 
 Call #:  MS 3743 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Pennybacker, Albert M., ca. 1930- | Civil rights movements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Civil rights workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Clergy -- Ohio -- Shaker Heights. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations.
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