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Imprints, Early English To 1750 in subject [X]
Monuments -- Great Britain in subject [X]
Epitaphs -- Great Britain in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Epitaphs -- Great Britain[X]
Great Britain -- Biography (1)
Imprints, Early English To 1750[X]
Monuments -- Great Britain[X]
1Title:  Ancient fvnerall monvments within the vnited monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the islands adiacent: with the dissolued monasteries therein contained: their founders, and what eminent persons haue beene in the same interred. As also the death and bvriall of certaine of the bloud royall; the nobilitie and gentrie of these kingdomes entombed in forraine nations    
 Creator:  Weever, John, 1576-1632 
 Publication:  Printed by Thomas Harper ... and are to be sold by Laurence Sadler, London,1631. 
 Notes:  Added t.p., engraved. Signatures: pip6sAp4sB-4Dp6s4Ep4sa-bp4s(-b4). Leaf S3 is signed "R3". Ornamental head-pieces and initials. Includes index; some copies lack the index, some have the genuine index, while others have a reprint ca. 1800. Cf STC (2nd ed.). No more published; the work covers only the dioceses of Canterbury, Rochester, London, and Norwich. 
 Call #:  DA28 W399 A Vault 
 Extent:  [18], 871, [15] p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., port. ; 30 cm. (fol. in 6s) 
 Subjects:  Monuments -- Great Britain | Epitaphs -- Great Britain | Great Britain -- Biography | Imprints, Early English To 1750
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