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Real property -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County -- 19th century. in subject [X]
Fitch family. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Fitch Family Papers     
 Creator:  Fitch Family 
 Dates:  1800-1907 
 Abstract:  The Fitch family was a prominent family in nineteenth century Ashtabula County, Ohio. Two of the most notable family members were Orramel and Edward Fitch. Orramel H. Fitch (1803-1882), was a resident of Ashtabula County, Ohio. There he was elected to represent the county in the State Legislature. He served as county prosecuting attorney in 1841 and 1842. Six years later, he helped to organize the Farmer's Bank of Ashtabula County. Mr. Fitch was also instrumental in the writing of The Williams Brothers' History of Ashtabula County in 1878. Edward Hubbard Fitch (1837-1897) was the son of Orramel H. Fitch (1803-1882). In 1869 Mr. Fitch was elected to the State legislature. Edward Fitch was a lawyer by profession. He served as the local justice of the peace and as county prosecuting attorney like his father has before him. The collection consists of correspondence, letters, contracts, wills, land deeds, ledgers, receipts and tax records. 
 Call #:  MS 4864 
 Extent:  2.00 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Fitch family. | Fitch, Orramel H., 1803-1882 -- Records and correspondence. | Fitch, Edward Hubbard, 1837-1897 -- Records and correspondence. | Banks and banking -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County -- 19th century. | Account books -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County -- 19th century. | Real property -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County -- 19th century. | Probate records -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County -- 19th century. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County -- 19th century -- Records and correspondence. | Law offices -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County -- 19th century -- Records and correspondence. | Politicians -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County -- 19th century -- Records and correspondence. | Ashtabula County (Ohio) -- Law and legislation -- 19th century. | Ashtabula County (Ohio) -- History -- 19th century -- Sources. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History -- 19th century -- Sources.
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