| Book | Requires cookie* | 2 | Title: | Voyage des capitaines Lewis et Clarke: depuis l'embouchure du Missouri, jusqu'áa l'entrâee de la Colombia dans l'Ocâean Pacifique ; fait dans les annâees 1804, 1805 et 1806, par ordre du gouvernement des âEtats-Unis ; contenant le journal authentique des âevâenements les plus remarquables du voyage, ainsi que la description des habitants, du sol, du climat, et des productions animales et vâegâetales des pays situâes áa l'ouest de l'Amâerique Septentrionale
| | | Creator: | Gass, Patrick, 1771-1870 | | | | Lallemant, A. J. N. (Antoine Jean Noel) | | | Publication: | Arthus-Bertrand, Paris,1810. | | | Call #: | F42.5 G2 1810F Vault | | | Extent: | xviii, 443 p. : fold. map ; 21 cm. | | | Subjects: | Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1806) | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River
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Book | Requires cookie* | 3 | Title: | History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke, to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean: Performed during the years 1804-5-6. By order of the government of the United States
| | | Creator: | Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 | | | | Clark, William, 1770-1838 | | | | Allen, Paul, 1775-1826 | | | | Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 | | | Publication: | published by Bradford and Inskeep, and Abm. H. Inskeep, Newyork, Printed by J. Christie, Philadelphia, Dublin,1817. | | | Notes: | The main text is a word for word reprint from the original, the greater number of pages resulting from the larger and more open type. The appendix is in substance the same, but the titles are re-arranged in better form. The five original plates are reproduced in facsimile, and there is one added plate called "Principal cascade of the Missouri." The map is reduced in size, and is inferior.--Coues. | | | Call #: | F42.5 L61 1817 Vault | | | Extent: | 2 v. pl., maps (1 fold., incl. fronts.) 22 cm. | | | Subjects: | Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1806) | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River
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Book | Requires cookie* | 4 | Title: | History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke, to the sources of the Missouri: thence across the Rocky mountains, and down the river Columbia to the Pacific ocean : performed during the years 1804, 1805, 1886 [i.e. 1806]
| | | Creator: | Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 | | | | Clark, William, 1770-1838 | | | | Allen, Paul, 1775-1826 | | | | MacVickar, Archibald | | | Publication: | A. L. Fowle, New York,1900. | | | Call #: | F42.5 L61 1900 Vault | | | Extent: | 2 v. : map (1 fold.) ; 17 cm. | | | Subjects: | Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1806) | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River
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Book | Requires cookie* | 5 | Title: | History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis & Clarke to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean: performed during the years 1804-5-6 by order of the government of the United States
| | | Alt. Title: | History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark
| | | Creator: | Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 | | | | Clark, William, 1770-1838 | | | | Biddle, Nicholas, 1786-1844 | | | | McMaster, John Bach, 1852-1932 | | | Publication: | Allerton Book Co, New York,1922. | | | Notes: | Also published by the New Amsterdam Book Co., New York, 1902, in the series called The commonwealth library; and by A. S. Barnes and Co., New York, 1904, in the series called The trail makers. | | | Call #: | F42.5 L61 1922 Vault | | | Extent: | 3 v. : fronts. (ports., v.1-2) maps (1 fold.) ; 19 cm. | | | Subjects: | Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1806) | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River
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Book | Requires cookie* | 6 | Title: | The journals of Lewis and Clark
| | | Alt. Title: | Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Selections
| | | Creator: | Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 | | | | Clark, William, 1770-1838 | | | | De Voto, Bernard Augustine, 1897-1955 | | | Publication: | Houghton, Mifflin, Boston,1953. | | | Notes: | "This condensation ... is based on ... Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites ... published in 1904-05." | | | Call #: | F42.5 J86 1953 | | | Extent: | iii, 504 p. maps. 23 cm. | | | Subjects: | Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1806) | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River | West (U.S.) -- History -- To 1848
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Book | Requires cookie* | 7 | Title: | Reize naar de bronnen van den Missouri, en door het vaste land van America naar de Zuidzee: Gedaan op last van de regering der Vereenigde Staten van America, in de jaren 1804, 1805 en 1806
| | | Creator: | Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 | | | | Clark, William, 1770-1838 | | | | Kampen, N. G. van (Nicolaas Godfried), 1776-1839 | | | | United States President (1801-1809 : Jefferson) | | | Publication: | A Blussâe & zoon, Blussâe en van Braam, Te Dordrecht,1816-18. | | | Notes: | Vol. 1-2 pub. by Blussâe & zoon; vol. 3, by Blussâe en van Braam. Doubtless made from the English 3 v. ed of 1815 (Rees' preface being reproduced and memoir of Lewis omitted) In place of the original appendices are given, Jefferson's Message, and Lewis' Mandan letter to the president, these two occupying p. 327-335, and styled "Bijlagen." The book ends with "Aanteekeningen," on p. 335. The map is legended: "Kaart der reizen van Lewis en Clarke door het westerlijk gedeelte van Noord Amerika, van den Mississippi tot de Zuid zee, op last van de uitvoerende magt der Vereenigde Staten in 1804, 5 en 6." In lower margin is "C. van Baarsel en zoon, sculps." and "Te Dordrecht, bij A. Blussâe & zoon." This map was redrawn and re-engraved, and the execution is better than that of the original.--Coues. | | | Call #: | F42.5 L6 1818D Vault | | | Extent: | 3 v. fold. map. 8vo. | | | Subjects: | Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1806) | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River
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Book | Requires cookie* | 8 | Title: | History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke, to the sources of the Missouri
| | | Creator: | Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 | | | | Allen, Paul, 1775-1826 | | | | Clark, William, 1770-1838 | | | | MacVickar, Archibald | | | Publication: | Harper & Brothers, New York,[c1842] | | | Notes: | This printing lacks maps and omits series. Binder's title: Rocky mountains. Lewis & Clarke. | | | Call #: | F42.5 L61 1842A Vault | | | Extent: | 2 v. 16 cm. | | | Subjects: | Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1806) | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River
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Book | Requires cookie* | 9 | Title: | History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke, to the sources of the Missouri
| | | Creator: | Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 | | | | Allen, Paul, 1775-1826 | | | | Clark, William, 1770-1838 | | | | MacVickar, Archibald | | | Publication: | Harper & Brothers, New York, London,[c1842] | | | Notes: | This printing also lacks maps and series notation. Binder's title: Rocky mountains. Lewis & Clarke. | | | Call #: | F42.5 L61 1842B Vault | | | Extent: | 2 v. 18 cm. | | | Subjects: | Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1806) | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River
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