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American Federation of Labor. in subject [X]
Lorain County AFL-CIO Federation of Labor. in subject [X]
Lorain City Federation of Labor (Lorain, Ohio). in subject [X]
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1Title:  Lorain City Federation of Labor Scrapbook     
 Creator:  Shibley, Al. C. 
 Dates:  1937-1957 
 Abstract:  The Lorain City Federation of Labor was the central labor body of the American Federation of Labor in Lorain, Ohio, prior to its merger with the Elyria AFL and the Lorain County CIO in 1961. It was founded as Lorain County Central Labor in 1917. The collection consists of one scrapbook that contains newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, and a directory. The scrapbook was created and maintained by Al C. Shibley (d. 1981). Al Shibley served as Secretary-Treasurer from 1932 to 1953 and was head of the committee to merge the organizations from 1957 to 1961. 
 Call #:  MS 5186 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  AFL-CIO. | American Federation of Labor. | Congress of Industrial Organizations. | Industrial relations -- Ohio -- Lorain County. | Labor -- Ohio -- Lorain County. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Lorain County. | Lorain City Federation of Labor (Lorain, Ohio). | Lorain County AFL-CIO Federation of Labor.
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2Title:  Lorain City Federation of Labor Records     
 Creator:  Lorain City Federation of Labor 
 Dates:  1932-1961 
 Abstract:  The Lorain City Federation of labor was the central labor body of the American Federation of Labor in Lorain, Ohio prior to its merger with the Elyria AFL and the Lorain County CIO in 1961. It was founded as Lorain County Central Labor in 1917. The collection consists of minutes of the federation, 1932-1953; minutes of the merger committee and clippings, 1957-1961; and minutes and clippings of United Organized Labor of Lorain County, 1958. 
 Call #:  MS 4168 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Lorain City Federation of Labor (Lorain, Ohio). | American Federation of Labor. | Congress of Industrial Organizations. | Elyria Central Labor Union. | Lorain County AFL-CIO Federation of Labor. | American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. | Industrial relations -- Ohio -- Lorain County. | Labor -- Ohio -- Lorain County. | Labor laws and legislation -- Ohio. | Open and closed shop -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. | Right to labor -- Ohio. | Trade-unions -- Ohio -- Lorain County. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1951-
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