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Van Rensselaer, Solomon Van Vechten, -- 1774-1852 in subject [X]
New York (State) in subject [X]
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1Title:  To the Republican electors of the state of New-York: Fellow citizens! On a proposition coming from the governor and the mayor of this city, it was agreed between the several electioneering committees of this city, that no account of the late fracas should be published by either committee, during the election    
 Creator:  Yates, John V. N. (John Van Ness), 1779-1839 
 Merchant, George, 1757-1830
 Notes:  Signed: George Merchant, chairman, John V.N. Yates, Secretary, Albany, April 28, 1807. Political handbill relating to the supposed cover-up of a "fracas" between Elisha Jenkins and Solomon Van Rensselaer. 
 Call #:  F.72 
 Extent:  1 sheet ([1] page) ; 45 x 28 cm 
 Subjects:  Jenkins, Elisha, -- 1769 or 1770-1848 | Van Rensselaer, Solomon Van Vechten, -- 1774-1852 | Jenkins, Elisha, 1769 or 1770-1848 | Van Rensselaer, Solomon Van Vechten, 1774-1852 | Quarreling | Communication in politics -- United States | Politics and government | New York (State) -- Politics and government -- 1775-1865 | New York (State) | Broadsides
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