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Western Reserve Bank of Warren, Ohio. in subject [X]
Real property -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. in subject [X]
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. in subject [X]
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Zalmon Fitch Papers     
 Creator:  Fitch, Zalmon 
 Dates:  1781-1866 
 Abstract:  Zalmon Fitch (1785-1860) was an early Ohio attorney and land agent, and a leader in the financial circles of Cleveland and Warren, Ohio. Born in Norwalk, Connecticut, Fitch established the second general store in the Western Reserve in Canfield, Ohio, in 1810. He moved to Warren in 1813 and served as the land agent for several of the original stockholders of the Connecticut Land Company. Fitch was cashier of the Western Reserve Bank when it was established in 1816 and served in that capacity for 23 years until he became president. Fitch was the trustee appointed by the receivers of the Bank of Cleveland to settle its affairs after its collapse in the Panic of 1837. Fitch also served on the board of directors of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad in 1859. The ollection consists of correspondence, contracts, surveys, financial calculations, tax records, receipts, promissory notes, sight drafts, insurance policies, powers of attorney, and miscellaneous legal papers, relating to Fitch's activities as a land agent; records of the Bank of Cleveland and the Western Reserve Bank; correspondence concerning the Banks of Geauga, Geneva, Orleans, and St. Clair, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, and the Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati Railroad; correspondence and transactions of Simon Perkins, Elihu Spencer, and William Williams; and copies of letters, a will, affidavits, and an essay pertaining to John Fitch, inventor of the steamboat. 
 Call #:  MS 0581 
 Extent:  7.00 linear feet (15 containers) 
 Subjects:  Fitch, Zalmon, 1785-1860. | Bank of Geauga (Geauga, Ohio) | Bank of Geneva (Geneva, Ohio) | Bank of Orleans (Orleans, Ohio) | Bank of St. Clair (St. Clair, Ohio) | Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. | Bank of Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio). | Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad. | Western Reserve Bank of Warren, Ohio. | Real property -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Banks and banking -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Railroad companies -- Ohio. | Real property tax -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Installment land contracts -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Surveys.
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