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Guiana -- Discovery and exploration in subject [X]
History, Ancient in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Guiana -- Discovery and exploration[X]
History, Ancient[X]
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1Title:  The history of the world: In five books. Viz. Treating of the beginning and first ages of same from the creation unto Abraham. Of the birth of Abraham to the destruction of Jerusalem to the time of Philip of Macedon. From the reign of Philip of Macedon to the establishing of that kingdom in the race of Antigonus. From settled rule of Alexander's successors in the east until the Romans (prevailing over all) made conquest of Asia and Macedon    
 Creator:  Raleigh, WalterSir, 1552?-1618 
 Publication:  Printed for Archibald Constable and Co. and sold by all booksellers, Edinburgh,1820. 
 Call #:  D57 R166 
 Extent:  6 v. : 22 cm. 
 Subjects:  History, Ancient | Guiana -- Discovery and exploration
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