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Cabinet photographs. in subject [X]
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Wade Park (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photographs. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Walton-Jennings Family Photographs     
 Creator:  Walton-Jennings Family 
 Dates:  1860-1964 
 Abstract:  John Whittlesey Walton was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist. The nephew of Charles Whittlesey, Walton started a ship chandlery business and co-founded the Upson-Walton Company in 1893. In 1867, Walton was one of the men responsible for the revival of the YMCA in Cleveland. From 1874-1926, Walton was actively involved in charity, serving during this period as treasurer of the Bethel Associated Charities. Throughout his life, Walton was keenly interested in the field of sociology and in the emerging scientific approach to social work. His daughter, Gladys Walton, was involved in numerous dramatic and musical events. She married Lamson Jennings in 1919. The collection consists of 5 photograph albums and 9 color stereo transparencies. Four albums contain portraits of family members and friends of the Walton-Jennings families. Those pictured include members of the Lamson, Calhoun, Clark, Sturdevant, Curtis, Judd, Kinney, North, and Hart families. Some identified photographs are missing from the albums. The fifth album contains prints and photographs of the travels of John Whittlesey Walton to England, Florida, Toronto, New England, and Europe. One of the photograph albums includes a built-in music box. 7 color stereo transparencies of the Briggs Mansion on Overlook Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, taken in 1964 are included, as are 2 color stereo transparencies of a statue of a bear at Wade Park, taken in 1958. 
 Call #:  PG 303 
 Extent:  0.80 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Walton, John Whittlesey, 1845-1926 -- Photograph collections. | Walton family -- Photograph collections. | Jennings family -- Photograph collections. | Lamson family -- Photograph collections. | Briggs Mansion (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Cabinet photographs. | Carte de visite photographs. | Wade Park (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photographs. | Gem photographs.
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