| Book | Requires cookie* | 1 | Title: | A digest of the laws and resolutions of Congress relative to pensions, bounty lands, pay of the army, mileage, horses or other property lost or destroyed in the military service, expenses of volunteer force, patents, etc: Together with the opinions of the attorneys general and decisions of the secretaries of war and interior, and of the accounting officers of the Treasury thereon, with full and complete forms of application, so arranged as to furnish all the information that may be desired by claimants or their attorneys
| | | Creator: | Bennett, Clement W. | | | | United States Laws, statutes, etc. | | | Publication: | Holman, Gray & co., printers, s.n.], Washington, N[ew] Y[ork],1854. | | | Call #: | UB373 B471 | | | Extent: | 4 p. l., [5]-504 p. 23 cm. | | | Subjects: | Pensions, Military -- United States | Bounties, Military -- United States
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Book | Requires cookie* | 2 | Title: | Pension laws, now in force, relative to invalid, navy revolutionary, and other pensions: together with the constructions placed upon such laws by the War Department or attorney general, and the forms necessary to be followed by applicants for pensions under the several laws, and the bounty laws, as also the necessary forms for application therefor
| | | Creator: | United States | | | | United States Pension Bureau. | | | Publication: | Printed by J. and G.S. Gideon, Washington,1849. | | | Call #: | UB373 A19 1849 | | | Extent: | 172 p. ; 23 cm. | | | Subjects: | Pensions, Military -- United States | Bounties, Military -- United States
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Book | Requires cookie* | 3 | Title: | The National Tribune soldier's handbook: containing a compilation of the pension and other laws--of interest to soldiers and sailors--and information of special value to those who are entitled to pensions, increase, rerating, bounty, pay, extra pay, etc
| | | Creator: | National Tribune, Washington, D.C | | | Publication: | National Tribune, Washington,[c1898] | | | Call #: | UB373 N281 | | | Extent: | 448 p. ; 22 cm. | | | Subjects: | Pensions, Military -- United States | Bounties, Military -- United States
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Book | Requires cookie* | 4 | Title: | Guide for soldiers & soldiers' heirs: showing who are entitled to pensions, bounty lands, back pay, $100 bounty, etc. Being a complete guide to persons having money due them by the government of the United States, from the Revolutionary War to the present time
| | | Publication: | Bragdon & Yerby, New York,1862. | | | Call #: | UB373 B813 | | | Extent: | 72 p. 16 cm. | | | Subjects: | United States. -- Army -- Pay, allowances, etc | Pensions, Military -- United States | Bounties, Military -- United States
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Book | Requires cookie* | 5 | Title: | Decisions of the Department of the interior in appealed pension and retirement claims: also a table of cases reported, cited, distinguished, modified, and overruled and of statutes, cited and construed
| | | Creator: | United States Dept. of the Interior. | | | | Baber, George | | | | Hall, Edward Payson, 1857-1925 | | | | Bixler, John W. | | | | Kirkham, Ralph W. | | | | Greene, Daniel Myron, 1876- | | | | United States Board of Pension Appeals. | | | | United States Dept. of the Interior. Office of the Solicitor. | | | Publication: | U.S. Govt. print. off, Washington,1887-1930. | | | Notes: | Continued by the Decisions of the administrator of veterans' affairs in appealed pension and civil service retirement cases (U. S. Veterans' administration) Volumes 1 to 20 are confined to decisions relating to pensions and bounty-land claims. Volumes 21 to 22 contain decisions relating to pensions and civil service retirement claims. Prepared in the Board of pension appeals, vol. II-XVIII; in the office of the solicitor for the Dept. of the interior, XVIII-XXII. Editors: George Baber, vol. II-V.--Edward P. Hall, vol. VII.--John W. Bixler, vol. VII-XX.--Ralph W. Kirkham, vol. XX-XXI.--Daniel M. Greene, vol. XXI-XXII. Title varies slightly. | | | Call #: | UB373 A22 | | | Extent: | 22 v. 23 cm. | | | Subjects: | United States. -- Dept. of the Interior | Pensions, Military -- United States | Bounties, Military -- United States | Civil service pensions -- United States
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Book | Requires cookie* | 6 | Title: | A manual of pensions, bounty, and pay: containing the laws, forms and regulations relating to pensions, bounty land, bounty money, pay, claims for horses and other property destroyed, etc., etc.,; with the opinions of the attorneys-general, and the official regulations and decisions pertaining to these subjects
| | | Creator: | Raff, George W. (George Wertz), 1825-1888 | | | | United States Laws, statutes, etc. | | | Publication: | R. Clarke & Co, Cincinnati,1864. | | | Call #: | UB373 R16 1864 | | | Extent: | viii, 477 p. 22 cm. | | | Subjects: | Pensions, Military -- United States | Bounties, Military -- United States | Forms (Law) -- United States | Ohio imprints 1864
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