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1Title:  Essays on the languages, literature, and religion of Nepal and Tibet: together with further papers on the geography, ethnology, and commerce of those countries    
 Creator:  Hodgson, B. H. (Brian Houghton), 1800-1894 
 Publication:  Trèubner & co, London,1874. 
 Notes:  Reprinted with corrections and additions from "Illustrations of the literature and religion of the Buddhists". Serampore, 1841: and "Selections from the records of the government of Bengal, no. XXVII", Calcutta, 1857. LA3240-228 James A. Garfield bookplate Location: 228.7-8/8A. 
 Call #:  LA3240-228 
 Extent:  145, 124 p. illus. 26 cm. 
 Subjects:  Buddha and Buddhism -- Nepal | Tibeto-Burman languages | Lamaism | Nepal | Tibet (China)
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