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1Title:  The Keys: a vision of Samaritanus, in the year of the Christian era, 1820    
 Publication:  Printed by John Bailhache & Co, Chillicothe O,1825. 
 Notes:  Cover title. 
 Call #:  BV665 K44 Vault 
 Extent:  53 p. 18 cm. 
 Subjects:  Apostolic succession | Ohio imprints 1825
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2Title:  End of prelacy: or, A treatise on ministerial parity and the non-efficacy of sacramental grace, versus the Romanism of the prelatical dogma of an unbroken succession and its cognate, sacramentarianis, papal tractarian and high and low church    
 Creator:  Shimeall, R. C. 
 Publication:  Scribner, New York,1852. 
 Notes:  Includes index. 
 Call #:  BV670 S556 
 Extent:  520 p. ; 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Episcopacy | Apostolic succession
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3Title:  A discourse shewing who is a true pastor of the church of Christ    
 Creator:  Checkley, John, 1680-1754 
 Publication:  n.p,1724] 
 Notes:  Prince Society, Boston. Publications [v. 22] Caption title. Running title: A true pastor. 500 copies were sent into Rhode Island. "It is hardly probable that any copies were distributed in Boston at that time."--Slafter, v. 1, p. 60. The epistle of St. Ignatius to the Trallians, included in the original publication, is not here reprinted. 
 Call #:  E186 P957P v.22 
 Subjects:  Episcopacy | Apostolic succession
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4Title:  A modest proof of the order and government settled by Christ and his apostles in the church: By shewing I. What sacred offices were instituted by them. II. How those officers [!] were distinguished. III. That they were to be perpetual and standing in the church. And, IV. Who succeed in them, and rightly execute them to this day    
 Creator:  Checkley, John, 1680-1754 
 Publication:  Re-printed by Tho. Fleet, and are to be sold by Benjamin Eliot in Boston, Daniel Aurault in Newport [etc.], Boston,1723. 
 Notes:  Prince Society, Boston. Publications [v. 22] Though called a reprint, and published anonymously, there seems no doubt but that Checkly was the author and the edition by Fleet its first appearance. 
 Call #:  E186 P957P v.22 
 Subjects:  Episcopacy | Apostolic succession
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5Title:  James the Lord's brother: Whose son was he? What was his position in the church? And what connection has the subject with the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States?    
 Creator:  Fitch, Chauncey W., 1801-1878 
 Publication:  D. Dana, jr, New York,1858. 
 Call #:  A 1641 
 Extent:  83 p. 19 1/2 cm. 
 Subjects:  James, -- Brother of the Lord, Saint | Apostolic succession
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6Title:  A refutation of the doctrine of uninterrupted apostolic succession: with a correction of errors concerning Rev. John Wesley and Dr. Coke. In answer to the Rev. G.T. Chapman, D.D., and others    
 Creator:  Tydings, Richard, 1783-1865 
 Publication:  A.S. Tilden, printer], Louisville [Jeffersonville, Ia,1844. 
 Notes:  On spine: Tydings on succession. 
 Call #:  BX8495 T978 
 Extent:  1 p. Á., 364 p. 22.5 cm. 
 Subjects:  Chapman, George T. -- (George Thomas), -- 1786-1872. -- Sermons, upon the ministry, worship, and doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal church | Apostolic succession
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7Title:  A defence of a book lately re-printed at Boston: entituled, A modest proof of the order and government settled by Christ and his apostles in the church in a reply to a book entituled, Sober remarks on the modest proof, &c. In a letter to a friend    
 Creator:  Checkley, John, 1680-1754 
 Publication:  Printed by T. Fleet, Boston,1724. 
 Notes:  Prince Society, Boston. Publications [v. 23] A defence of the author's "Modest proof," written in reply to Edward Wigglesworth's "Sober remarks on a book lately re-printed at Boston, entituled, A modest proof ..." Boston, 1724. The "Postscript" (p. [96]-114) is a reply to Jonathan Dickinson's "A defence of Presbyterian ordination in answer to a Modest proof ..." Boston, 1724. "Animadversions upon two pamphlets, the one entituled, An essay upon that paradox, Infallibility may sometimes mistake [by Thomas Walter] The other, The ruling and ordaining power of Congregational bishops or presbyters defended [by Thomas Foxcroft] Which may serve as an appendix to the defence of a Modest proof. In a letter to a friend": p. [115]-127. 
 Call #:  E186 P957P v.23 
 Subjects:  Wigglesworth, Edward, -- 1693-1765. -- Sober remarks | Dickinson, Jonathan, -- 1688-1747 -- Defence of Presbyterian ordination | Walter, Thomas, -- 1696-1725. -- Essay upon that paradox, Infallibility may sometimes mistake | Foxcroft, Thomas. -- Ruling and ordaining power | Episcopacy | Apostolic succession
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